AtGames annuncia anche l’Atari Flashback 8 Gold


Analogamente a quanto fatto con Sega Genesis Flashback, AtGames ha ufficializzato nei giorni scorsi anche una nuova retro console Atari. La compagnia ha annunciato l’Atari Flashback 8 Gold che includerà 120 giochi caricati, due controlli wireless ispirati all’Atari 2600, le due entrate per collegare via cavo joystick e puddle nonché il collegamento HDMI con risoluzione a 720p oltre ai soliti filtri per l’effetto retrò e la possibilità di salvare, mettere in pausa ed in rewind i vari giochi.

I pre-order inizieranno il mese prossimo mentre la vendita nei negozi inizierà a settembre.

Ecco la lunga lista di titoli presenti. Troviamo anche i classici Space Invaders, Asteroids e Centipede nonché molti giochi targati Activision:

3-D Tic-Tac-Toe, Adventure, Adventure II, Air Raiders, Air·Sea Battle, Aquaventure, Armor Ambush, Asteroids, Astroblast, Atari Climber, Backgammon, Barnstorming, Basketball, Beamrider, Black Jack, Bowling, Boxing, Breakout, Bridge, Canyon Bomber, Centipede, Championship Soccer, Checkers, Chopper Command, Circus Atari, Combat, Combat Two, Cosmic Commuter, Crackpots, Crystal Castles, Dan Kitchen’s Tomcat, Dark Cavern, Decathlon, Demons to Diamonds, Desert Falcon, Dodge’Em, Dolphin, Double Dunk, Dragster, Enduro, Fatal Run, Fishing Derby, Flag Capture, Football, Freeway, Frog Pond, Frogs and Flies, Frostbite, Fun with Numbers, Golf, Grand Prix , Gravitar, H.E.R.O., Hangman, Haunted House, Home Run, Human Cannonball, Ice Hocke, Indy 500, International Soccer, Kaboom!, Keystone Kapers , Laser Blast, Maze Craze, Megamania , Millipede, Miniature Golf, Missile Command, MotoRodeo, Night Driver, Off The Wall, Oink!, Outlaw, Pitfall!, Plaque Attack, Pong (Video Olympics), Pressure Cooker, Private Eye, Radar Lock, Realsports Baseball, Realsports Basketball, Realsports Soccer, Realsports Volleyball, Return to Haunted House, River Raid, River Raid II, Robot Tank, Saboteur, Save Mary, Sea Battle, Seaquest , Secret Quest, Skiing, Sky Diver, Sky Jinks, Slot Machine, Slot Racers, Solaris, Space Attack, Space Shuttle, Space War, Spider Fighter, Sprintmaster, Stampede, Star Ship, Star Strike, Starmaster , Steeplechase, Stellar Track, Street Racer, Submarine Commander, Super Baseball, Super Breakout, Super Challenge Baseball, Super Challenge Football, Super Football, Surround, Sword Fight, Swordquest: Earthworld, Swordquest: Fireworld, Swordquest: Waterworld, Tempest, Tennis, Video Checkers, Video Chess, Video Pinball, Warlords, Wizard, Yars’ Return, Yars’ Revenge.