
Total War: Shogun 2, arriva il dlc dedicato al Clan Otomo


Caro lettore, la redazione de lavora per fornire aggiornamenti precisi e affidabili in un momento lavorativo difficile messo ancor più a dura prova dall’emergenza pandemica.
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Il prossimo dlc per Total War: Shogun 2 sarà dedicato al Clan Otomo. La nuova espansione, in arrivo dal prossimo 30 novembre su Steam, è già disponibile per le prevendite sul negozio digital delivery di Valve al prezzo di 3,59 euro con uno sconto del 10% rispetto al prezzo di listino.
Il Clan Otomo renderà disponibili nuove unità militari ed edifici per lo strategico di The Creative Assembly e Sega.
A seguire le novità (in lingua inglese) tratte da Steam.


  • Clan Trait: Master Gunners
    • Can Recruit Cheaper Gunpowder Units (-10%)
    • Missionary Actions Are Cheaper (-15%)
    • Improved Conversion to Clan Religion (+2)
    • Faster Import Of Matchlock Ashigaru Units (-3)


    New Units

    • Portugese Tercos (foot, Ranged, Melee)
      Armed with matchlock rifles and swords, clad in iron breastplates and Spanish Morion helmets, the Tercos can lay down withering hails of fire, and give a solid performance in melee.


    • Otomo Donderbuss Cavalry (mounted, Ranged)
      Mounted troops armed with the fearsome, fluted Donderbuss rifle – the forerunner of the modern shotgun. These ranged units can be swiftly positioned to gouge at an enemy’s flanks, or punch the wind out of his cavalry charges before they even arrive.


    • Otomo Matchlock Ashigaru (foot, Ranged)
      Armed with matchlock arquebuses to unleash massed volleys of long-range gunfire upon the enemy, these units fight with religious fervour, which increases the accuracy of their fire and enables them to reload at a faster rate than standard Matchlock Ashigaru.


    • Otomo Matchlock Samurai (foot, Ranged, Melee)
      With their accurate volleys of rifle-fire, Otomo Matchlock Samurai are ideal at weakening enemy units before a charge. Benefitting from their Samurai training, they fire with greater accuracy and reload more swiftly than their Ashigaru brethren.


    • Otomo Matchlock Kobaya (naval, Ranged)
      A very light and fast ship carrying a small detachment of musket-armed soldiers whose Christian fervour and familiarity with matchlocks enables them to shoot more accurately and reload at a faster rate than standard Matchclock-bearing Kobaya.


    New Buildings


  • Leased land
    One building slot per city can be handed over to Portuguese control for them to do with as they wish. In return, the clan gains a large amount of money, enabling it to ramp up its war efforts at pace.
  • A new subchain of Jesuit buildings (Hospital – Jesuit Seminary – Jesuit College) replaces the Chapel building subchain (Mission – Church – Cathedral):
    Each building will progressively aid the conversion of the Japanese to Christianity, increase unit replenishment, economic growth and the happiness of the Christian populace. They will also progressively improve the rate at which the arts are mastered and allow a besieged army in the same castle town to hold out for longer.


Caro lettore, la redazione de lavora per fornire aggiornamenti precisi e affidabili in un momento lavorativo difficile messo ancor più a dura prova dall’emergenza pandemica.
Se apprezzi il nostro lavoro, che è da sempre per te gratuito, ti chiediamo un piccolo contributo per supportarci. Vorremmo che il vero “sponsor” fossi tu che ci segui e ci apprezzi per quello che facciamo e che sicuramente capisci quanto sia complicato lavorare senza il sostegno economico che possono vantare altre realtà. Sicuri di un tuo piccolo contributo che per noi vuol dire tantissimo sotto tutti i punti di vista, ti ringraziamo dal profondo del cuore.

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