Survarium si aggiorna con la patch 0.43, trailer ed immagini


Vostok Games ha aggiornato il suo fps Survarium. La patch 0.43 aggiunge tante novità migliorando il sistema di visualizzazione dei danni, l’aspetto tattico nei combattimenti, alcuni aspetti pratici del gioco, aggiungendo nuove armi, e ripulendo il gioco per Pc da diversi bug.

Nondimeno ci sono alcune immagini ed un trailer di tre minuti su tutte le novità di questo aggiornamento. Eccoli. A seguire la lunga lista delle novità in lingua inglese che Vostok ci ha fatto pervenire.

La lista dei cambiamenti (in inglese)

Inflicted Damage Visualization Improved

Now the hit marker (cross) corresponds more to the damage inflicted. When you inflict 10% or less small crosses will appear, in case of 10% to 20% – medium ones, if 50% and higher – large crosses. When the damage of your shot has been decreased by more than 20% we display additional identifiers above the enemy, so you can get a better understanding why the damage was lower. Finally, the killcam now displays the supplies and artifacts used by your killer.

Technical Improvements

We have optimized the critical parts of the code, so they use multi-thread calculations more actively (calculation of players, calculation of bullets, multi-thread renderer version for low-end PCs). This will allow the game to better use the calculation power of the processor and will increase the performance on those systems where the processor is the bottleneck. With some configurations we could achieve a gain of as much as 70%. Moreover, there are several improvements to the netcode: drawing characters during battle now depends on the individual players’ pings.

New Weapons

The Fringe Settlers get to please their fans with Fort-401 light machinegun which replaces RPK-74m on tier 8. The RPK-74M is now available on the 8nd equipment tier of the Renaissance Army. Moreover, there are two new rare weapons: L85A2 – tier 8 assault rifle, and Pancor Jackhammer – tier 10 automatic shotgun.
Change of Item Modification Reroll Mechanics
Get the modifiers you want faster and spend surplus spare parts! Instead of being able to reroll modifiers using silver once per 6 hours, you now can reroll with a small amount of spare parts anytime. Please note, with the spare parts you get only one replacement option (but you can always stick to the current modifier). Premium currency will expand your selection of options.


The Complete List of Changes



User Interface

Equipment and Weapons

Technical Changes

Bug Fixes