Il forum di Steam è di nuovo online. Gli utenti chiedono Portal 2 gratuito


Torna operativo il forum di Steam. Dopo una settimana di stop a seguito di un attacco informatico dello scorso 6 novembre nel quale gli hacker si sono introdotti nel forum, nel database del negozio online ed hanno compromesso la sicurezza dei dati utenti (password, indirizzi di fatturazione, numeri carte di credito, ecc.), il tutto è tornato online.
Valve ha informato del problema solo giovedì (qui il nostro post di ieri) ed ha resettato le chiavi d’accesso degli utenti registrati al forum.
Il topic più gettonato al momento è: So we getting free copies of portal 2?, ovvero “Quindi ora riceveremo una copia gratuita di Portal 2?”. Chissà se ci saranno degli incentivi per coccolare gli utenti dopo questo stop.
A seguire, per dovere di cronaca, un’altra lettera di Gabe Newell, numero 1 di Valve.

Yesterday, on November 10, 2011, the following message was sent to all users via a Steam message.

Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users:

Our Steam forums were defaced on the evening of Sunday, November 6. We began investigating and found that the intrusion goes beyond the Steam forums.

We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating.

We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely.

While we only know of a few forum accounts that have been compromised, all forum users will be required to change their passwords the next time they login. If you have used your Steam forum password on other accounts you should change those passwords as well.

We do not know of any compromised Steam accounts, so we are not planning to force a change of Steam account passwords (which are separate from forum passwords). However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to change that as well, especially if it is the same as your Steam forum account password.

We will reopen the forums as soon as we can.

I am truly sorry this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
